This page is no longer maintained & is kept for archival purposes only.
Covid News & Information Directory | Decatur, IL
A curated list of information sources regarding COVID 19, including local, state, national, and global sources. Focus is on local information, though.
Notice: This page needs work. I don't have all the news sources. It's poorly organized. I'm working on it. Our data directory is also incomplete, but much better than this page if you are looking for data, not news articles.
Feedback & Suggestions
Message me on Facebook @LoveDecatur. I only check this account a couple times a month.
Local Information
- Local News Outlets which sometimes post local or non-local covid-information.
- LoveDecatur's Daily Covid Updates. I post daily case count updates, among other information.
- Macon County Health Department facebook. Posts case count updates every Friday. They regularly post general information about covid & vaccination clinics.
- Macon County Health Department website posts news releases, with case counts release every Friday.
- City of Decatur News - does not regularly report on covid, but they might announce if there's any restrictions
- Saint Mary's Hospital News may have occasional covid updates. Saint Mary's News search for covid
Decatur Memorial Hospital News may have occasional covid updates. DMH News search for covid
- Memorial Health Systems is the parent company of DMH
- Macon County Health Department releases weekly updates of case counts, but this data comes from IDPH.
- Illinois Department of Public Health has statewide and county data
- CDC Data Tracker has national, statewide, and some county data
General Information
- AP News:
- Herald & Review - this isn't really local covid info & I think the AP News seems better.
Official Covid News
- FDA posts regular news-style updates on their website. There's also a lot of information about vaccines & testing
- CDC covid index page links to a lot of stuff
- US Government's response
- US Dept of Health & Human Services
- World Health Organization main covid page
Other Covid Info
- Worldometers has global covid data
- Our World In Data has global covid data